Rosanna Scotto is an American journalist who works as a news anchor for Fox 5 (WNYW-TV)
Rosanna Scotto is the co-host of the Fox 5 morning show Good Day New York
The Emmy Award-winning journalist Rosanna Scotto previously worked as a r
eporter for WABC-TV's Good Morning New York
Siblings Goal: Rosanna and her sister Elaina Scotto are the co-owners of the Italian restaurant Fresco by Scotto
The news personality and her now-husband Louis John Ruggiero (then-boyfriend) attended the Catholic University
Decade Long Marital Bond: Louis John and Rosanna have been married since September 13, 1986
Parenthood: Mr. and Mrs. Ruggiero are parents of their daughter Jenna Ruggiero and son Ben
The news anchor Rosanna Scotto's spouse John Ruggiero is an associate attorney