Jonathan Schmitz
Jonathan Schmitz is a convicted murderer who, in 1996, was sentenced to prison for 25-50 years.

Quick Facts of Jonathan Schmitz
Full Name | Jonathan Schmitz |
Date of Birth | 18 July, 1970 |
Birthplace | Lapeer, Michigan, The USA |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion | Christianity |
Nationality | American |
Horoscope | Cancer |
Relationship History | Yes |
Netflix has recently released a new document series, Trial By Media. Well, it examines some of the most dramatic trials in history. The first episode of this show brings back a famous case of Jonathan Schmitz, a murderer. Well, Jonathan killed Scott Amedure, his admirer, because he revealed that he had a crush on Jonathan during the taping of The Jenny Jones.
What Exactly Happened In Jonathan Schmitz’s Murder Case?
Jonathan killed Bernard Amedure on 9 March 1995. He was only 32 years old at the time of his death. According to Bernard’s brother, Scott Amedure, when The Jeny Jones Show advertised their segment, Same-sex crush, where one admits their crush on an unsuspecting person, Bernard went on to the show and divulged feelings for his neighbor, Jonathan.
After he confessed his feeling to the show, the show host, Jeny Jones, called Schmitz to the front and told him that someone secretly had feelings for him. Moreover, their producers also hinted to him that the person is a woman. But, after finding out it was Amedure, he commented, “I’m completely Heterosexual.”

Source: Oxygen
Later on, Amedure left a note to Schmitz that was suggestive. Schmitz’s anger crossed its limit, and he went to the bank, took money out, and purchased a shotgun. Then, he went to Amedure’s house and shot him in the chest twice. Amedure’s roommate is the witness to this crime.
Where Is The Jenny Jones Killer, Jonathan Schmitz Now?
After killing Amedure, Jonathan called the police and confessed his crime. Schmitz’s defense claimed that he had a thyroid disorder and manic depression the court. Furthermore, his father, Allyn Schmitz, also said that Jonathan had tried to kill himself before. His first trial was in 1996, and he was found guilty of second-degree murder and sentenced to 25 to 50 years in prison.
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He appealed again and was found guilty of the crime again in 1999. However, he only served half of his sentence (22 Years) because of his good behavior while in prison. In August 2017, he became a free man. Since then, he has been living a low-key profile. Furthermore, he will turn 21 this coming July.

Source: HeightZone
Jonathan Schmitz enjoyed his freedom and saw a pet store in his hometown, Lapeer, Michigan. He wore a red Detroit Redwings t-shirt, white cap, and blue jeans while running his errands. As of now, he is living with his mother and father.
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Let me first say In no way do I condone what this man did not do I condone violence against homosexuals or other non traditional sexuality. With that said, I blame alot of what happened on the show and the producers. Especially back then before homosexuals were common place and less accepted as they are nowadays, some men took their sexuality as heterosexuals as their “manhood” and their respect. When you put a straight man on national tv back then, lie to him then force feed him in front of the world that a homosexual has a “crush” on him and wants to do sexual things with him, that’s a complete disrespectful and embarrassment in front if the nation. Johnathon flipped out over the disrespect and embarrassment. Times were different back then and you cannot compare them to today and the way the world is much more accepting of non traditional sexuality choices. Had that show not lied to him and put him on national tv to be disrespected and embarrassed, the murder would have never happened. The victims family had every right to sue the show and for the courts to overturn and deny the wrongful death suit was tragic and wrong. In fact not only should they have had to pay the victims family but Johnathon himself should have sued for the mental anguish and his “flipping out”. Again please don’t think I am making light or excuses for the tragedy that occurred, that is not my intention. I am only speaking of how things were back then regarding sexuality vs. the acceptence the world has nowadays for such a matter. Back then most homosexuals, outside of places like San Francisco, Berkeley, and other extremely liberal cities, were pretty much “in the closet” about their sexual preferences…just shows how much the world view has changed in such little time. I am glad that the world is much more accepting of all genders, race, sexuality, religions and creeds. Unfortunately not that long ago many tragedies like this happened. Shame on the show for exploiting this fact and for being partially responsible for this tragedy.
You’re an evil bastard condoning what was done. WOMEN put up with men’s unwanted advances and you don’t get a free card to commit murder just because it was a gay men having a crush on you. You are immoral jackass and you need help.
Jeff, thanks for letting us know in a roundabout way that you’re a homophobe and are OK with what happened here.
Jude and Adam. Chill. Why such hate? Why react with such extreme assumptions after reading a single comment from a random stranger on the internet. Certainly you have learned that people are much more complex than the single post they have written that you come across on the internet. The “Immoral jackass” and “homophobe” comments can be a bit telling as to the state of your personal internal well being and your possible inability to love another person in spite of a differing opinion over a random incident that happened 25 years ago…
Jeff: your point is deeply rooted in micro-aggressions toward LGBTQ individuals. Schmitz could have easily laughed it off and said, “I’m flattered, but I’m straight.” But he left the show and murdered a much later date.
Yes, it’s a trash talk show, but no one forced Schmitz to participate. He made that choice on his own to participate in the show, and he chose to murder Amedure.
Everyone gets embarrassed, but that doesn’t give us the right to commit murder. The Jenny Jones show is trash but didn’t give Schmitz a gun…
From your post, it clearly shows that you think the “Gay Panic Defense” is applicable, and for that, you’re homophobic. If a black person confessed their romantic feelings for you and you turn around and murder them… you are 1000% a racist. You’d be wise if you took some time to reflect on your comment and read up about hate crimes.
Sean: you are an absolutely deplorable human. Voting on differing presidential candidates is a “difference of option.” Murdering a gay person is homophobia and a hate crime. That’s not a difference of opinion.
Furthermore, calling a hate crime in which a murder was committed a “random incident“ 25 years ago… you’re a piece of sh*t.
And yes, downplaying it and trying to reduce what this crime is is complete homophobia and shows how much of a hateful individual you are – which is ironic because you’re trying to say that Jude and Adam’s comments are that.
And even more ironic that you’re calling out random strangers for commenting, yet here you are commenting with your ignorant, uneducated, and backward options.
Haha love this. Chuck put Sean in his place. He probably voted on trump and thinks we should have a straight pride
Jeff you hit it on spot for the times back then. As for the rest, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has an asshole for to come out.
People now a days are not empathetic and generous. People are selfish and self centered. Too many people push their opinions and way of life on to others.
Let’s see how this go.
Where my haters at?
BTW my opinion is all parties manipulated.
It’s a shame Scott died. It’s a shame Jonathan will never have any peace. He served his sentence but once again he is spotlighted and defined by one moment in his life.
There are errors in this article. Like how could he be turning 21 after being in prison for 22 years? Also it says he saw a pet store in his hometown. Did you mean start a pet store? Are there no proof readers working on this site?
I think Jonathan Schmitz is freaking cute!!. and gay people need to stop shoving their lifestyle down straight peoples throat’s!. he did his time now all you liberals need to back the hell off.
Bethanie, you are a disgusting human being and completely stupid. I bet you consider yourself a “Christian” but you are far from walking in Jesus’ footsteps. You misinterpreted the Bible and are now a trailer trash, uneducated woman using it as a weapon. Shame on you. I hope you have a gay son or grandson so you can learn to love ALL, just like jesus did. Enjoy your life in hell.
First of all let me start off by saying that my son is gay and I love him very much but I agree with Jeff that was a different time back then and people are more excepting today than they ever have been but even my own son said he would never push his lifestyle on somebody if he knew that person was straight because he didn’t want to embarrass himself or that other person. I blame Trash Talk TV and their “attitude of anything goes “for ratings. If it wasn’t for the Jenny Jones show one man would still be alive and both should be living their lives as they please.
He should not have been found guilty!!!!!! People need to keep their disgusting lifestyles to themselves and quit forcing it on everyone. Poor guy snapped and I don’t blame him. Now go cry liberals, bunch of babies
I made a comment earlier than I agreed with Jeff and what I meant to say was I partially agree with him. I know the struggles that my son went through and even though I am straight and his brother is straight we still love Justin just the same
For all of you talking about not judging and hating you sure are quick to judge and hate
I find it strange that no one here holds Jonathan Schmitz’s father responsible in any way. Jonathan Schmitz’s dad was a homophobic and abusive person, if he had not instilled a sense of shame and retribution in his son this probably would never have happened. It’s time that parents need to be held accountable for the humans they are responsible for helping to shape and then release into society. There is a possibility that Jonathan Schmitz could have been gay but his abusive and backwards thinking father would never have allowed that to be a reality. Thousands of people went on the Jenny Jones show and we’re not going home to murder anyone. Pay attention to all the things the father said in court and understand why a man is dead.
It’s a sad day when someone would rather be a murderer than possibly perceived as gay
Years ago, depraved homos kept their deviant perversions to themselves.
It is not normal behavior back then, and not normal behavior today.
I remember this case from 25 years ago.
Jonathan SchmitZ should have never spent a day in jail.
It was a public humiliation in the least and some perverted attemp to normalize homos (back then) at best.
LMAOOOO I woulda done the same thing after he tried that gay shit wit me
Hey Idiots
The first post from Jeff was mistyped…if you had continued to read the whole post you would’ve figured it out.
What Jeff meant to say, “I do not condone what this man did NOR do I …
Use common sense while you reread it.
You people have a lot of hate, THINK BEFORE YOU GO OFF THE RAILS.
Max has to be a flaming homo!!!
Very sad story, this could have all been avoided.
After hearing that he was straight, the other guy shouldn’t have continued to aggressively pursue him. Him leaving the detailed sexual notes at his house drive him over the edge after he made it clear he wasn’t interested.
I heard they both had sex after the show. Apparently Schmitz was in the closet and was mad he got exposed in front of the whole nation
Bethanie by ” gays need to stop shoving their lifestyles down our throats” do you mean we need to stop living our lives?
By the same merit don’t you think heterosexuals have “been shoving their lifestyles” down our throats by living their lives or do you just think you have more of a right to live your life as you please. Rot in hell you P.O.S